Discover the 2023 b nation team New Year resolutions! - bicom

A New Year with b nation

With New Year’s Eve comes parties with loved ones, celebration toasts, and most importantly the opportunity to start fresh. In preparation for this new year, the b nation team thought we’d share our resolutions to start 2023 strong!


My resolution this year is to develop my patience! This will help me professionally, as well as in my personal life.

It’s constant work to recognize the value of small steps in the right direction when you want to see results right away! In 2023, I’m trying out marathon mode. I’m going to need it for all the great projects we’re planning for you! ????


For me, this year is all about family. I’m looking forward to getting back to my loved ones after the last few years of lockdown and my grandmother’s illness, and to spend time with them. After all, time goes by too fast, and life is too short; we have to make the most of it!

Speaking of family, I’d also like to work hard to take the b nation family even further, expanding our database and connecting even more with all of you, ourfabulous members. ????


In 2023, I’d like to update my loved ones more often instead of taking for granted that Instagram stories are enough for them to know what’s going on in my life. I want to take the time to unwind, and why not also do so by reading more books?

In that same spirit, I’d like to seek out new clients for diverse and exciting b nation campaigns. I also want to work on the new project we’ll reveal soon. ????


This year, I would love to implement more creativity and initiative in my life, and to go out and seize opportunities that will allow me to grow. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, after all! ????

I would also like to see this same creative spirit in our b nation in 2023: new content ideas, new clients, new members, and new activities, that’s my wish for us!



Here’s hoping our goals for the year will inspire you to set some of your own. The b nation team wishes you a great start to 2023!