b nation: Why the future of influencer marketing will be all about authenticity - bicom

b nation: Why the future of influencer marketing will be all about authenticity

After more than a decade working with influencers, the bicom team is at the forefront of the evolution of the phenomenon. What prompted us to explore nano-influencers? We sought to regain the spirit of community and exchange of recommendations among peers. On the one hand, the rates of regular influencers were increasing at the same rate as public perception of them was changing. Influencers who have received criticism for a lack of transparency, we saw a saturation of their platforms in only promotional content and there was confusion with regard to new advertising policies. Today the team proposes in its strategies to use different types of influencers from the largest to the smallest, depending on the objectives of the brands.


1. What are the different types of influencers according to diverse objectives?

“Macro” influencers reveal the message directly to the target audience. They are celebrities, first-rate influencers who join the masses. We work with them when we seek to gain maximum notoriety, in-store and online traffic and sales.

“Niche” influencers communicate the brand’s message in a way that is relevant to their network. They are content creators, bloggers, Youtubers or specialists in a specific field. Through their platforms they reach a specific target audience and they can also create content for brands.

The “Micro” influencers, on the other hand, adopt the brand message. They are loyal followers and brand ambassadors with a smaller but more engaged audience. They help build loyalty and increase its share of the market.

The “Nano-influencers” engage with the brand’s message. They are committed consumers with limited scope, but who actively influence their surroundings. They stimulate engagement, encourage product testing, create a sense of community (in the case of the employer brand for example) and generate UGC (content produced by the users themselves).


2. Who are the nano-influencers?

They are “civilians”, people who do not aspire to become recognized influencers, but rather who take pleasure in sharing their discoveries with their entourages. They are consumers who trust their friends and who actively share their experiences, opinions and opinions on social networks. You can easily think of someone you would ask for advice to help you choose a restaurant while you think of another when it comes to asking for a travel recommendation. In fact, we are all to some extent, nano-influencers!


3. Why work with nano-influencers?

Following our Pancanadian study on the power of nano-influencers we have concluded that recommendations from friends and family have 10x more impact than those of celebrities on social networks. Their exchanges are considered more authentic and real since in the majority of cases the subscribers of nano-influencers know them in “real life”. If we see an engagement rate on Instagram of up to 8% for unsorthred partnerships with influencers with 1,000 followers, the b nation database currently has an average engagement rate of 12%, making it a very active and engaged community.


4. What is b nation?

B Nation is the first collective of Canadian nano-influencers. Today, it brings together more than 700 nano-influencers across Canada who share information about their tastes and interests so that we can include them in our marketing campaigns by introducing them to products and experiences. After they have answered our questionnaire, we know if they have a cat, a dog, children, a cottage, acne, etc. We check each of the entries to ensure the authenticity and quality of the participants’ platforms. Be careful we don’t seek perfection! We just want to make sure that the people registered in our bank have valid profiles.


5. How we recruit nano-influencers?

We recruit new quality candidates in different ways continuously and without stopping at a maximum number. Through the publication of the results of our Pancanadian study on the power of nano-influencers we obtained press articles and publications on social networks that attracted a number of candidates. We also approach highly targeted candidates based on the specific needs of each campaign. For example, we already need to find 100 young professionals active on social networks and not affiliated with a political party. This requires a search and selection of participants by our agile team.

Our goal? Get the longest and most varied list of high quality nano-influencers in the country!