The audit focused on the ratio of publications according to the different content pillars and recommendations to improve the diversification of topics related to the pillars of the company, while taking into account competitors and social trends of 2022
bicom conducted a comprehensive audit of the company’s social media by analyzing all publications related to the content pillars, namely health, corporate and sales, in both official languages of the country. The idea was to present statistics over 1 year with the aim that all pillars would also be put forward in the future.
In addition, Sun Life’s main competitors were also analyzed, again in relation to the ratio of publications according to the content pillars, but also to the use that they make of new social platforms.

The comprehensive social media audit gave Sun Life an accurate picture of how and how often each of the company’s pillars was represented across all platforms. Through this research, bicom was able to give Sun Life detailed recommendations to improve its online presence, share its values and missions, and differentiate itself from its competitors. Recommendations also referred to performance optimization. A referential portrait of the Canadian industry and the best practices to be put forward was also outlined for each platform.