Through a dedicated presentation, bicom demonstrated the scientific benefits while highlighting the new beauty trend for skincare (less is more). With this timely and trendy approach, bicom gave a new dimension to the complete range of serums for the media.
To engage and activate influencers to share the science behind SkinCeuticals with their community, bicom sent out creative and luxurious packages containing all four serums along with a 3D holographic video (which people viewed through a pyramid) explaining the power of hyaluronic acid and the properties of each formula. bicom coordinated paid partnerships with 17 influencers, ranging from macro to micro-influencers, to amplify the message to their followers.
66,9M media impressions in one and a half month
61M potential impressions on social media
7.5% engagement rate on the influencer campaign
@valeria.lipovetsky #ad Hyaluronic Acid 101 with #skinceuticals (specialists in HA serum innovation!) 💪🏻 Learn more about the benefits on ✨