Withenshaw by Anne-Marie - Media Relations - bicom
Media Relations & Influencer Marketing

Withenshaw par Anne-Marie

2024 - Quebec
As part of the launch of Withenshaw par Anne-Marie's new line of gourmet pastries, bicom wanted to highlight the new offering and brand, reach new audiences and increase the visibility of this new project in the Quebec media space and on social media. bicom's role was to raise awareness of the new Withenshaw par Anne-Marie products across Quebec through press relations and influencer marketing.
Organic social media mentions
Potential reach

As part of this mandate, bicom undertook the following actions: Creation of a list of influencers for PR mailings, personalized approaches to influencers for gifting, drafting of personalized media approaches to secure coverage in Quebec lifestyle and foodie media, drafting and distribution of a press release to the media, and gifting to radio hosts.


42.2M potential reach on social media

10 interviews secured

120 organic social media mentions